

Mediations permit the parties to control the dispute’s outcome with the assistance of Ari Sliffman as the third-party neutral. A different process is designed for each individual mediation session depending on the parties’ needs and facts presented.

Mediation sessions can take place in person at our Philadephia offices, the office of an involved party, virtually, or in a hybrid fashion. $350 per hour for both preparation time and session time. AJS Resolutions does not require a specific pre-booking time allotment. 


Arbitrations are faster, more economical, and more personalized than traditional courtroom trials. AJS Resolutions permits the flexibility for parties to agree on certain rules to meet the dispute’s specific needs.

Arbitrations can take place in person at our offices, the office of an involved party, or virtually.  $350 per hour for preparation, arbitration, and decision time. AJS Resolutions does not require a specific pre-booking time allotment.